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At Levey, we believe in empowering our students to take charge of their own learning and leadership journeys. From a young age, we provide the tools and a safe environment that encourages them to take risks, be bold, and embrace new challenges.  Our commitment to fostering responsibility and initiative ensures that every student has the opportunity to shine in various activities and develop essential skills for their future.


Student Council

Our vibrant Student Council commits itself to create fun and exciting opportunities for all students to enjoy such as student-run electives, school dances, assemblies, field trips, and more.  The Council believes in making school a place where everyone can enjoy and participate in memorable experiences.  Led by middle schoolers, the Council has representatives from peers in 2nd-8th grades.

Creating a Strong and Vibrant Community

Every year students from all grades 


400 Deering Avenue, Portland, Maine 04103




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Levey Day School is committed to building a nurturing community that welcomes students of all backgrounds. At Levey, we respect and value every person as a unique individual, and attend to each child’s intellectual, emotional, and spiritual needs.  Levey Day School prepares its students for academic success and personal fulfillment by empowering them to ask questions, think independently, and collaborate effectively.

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